Creating a Histogram in Java


Design and implement an application that creates a histogram that allows you to visually inspect the frequency distribution of a set of values. The program should read in an arbitrary number of integers that are in the range 1 to 100 inclusive; then produce a chart similar to the one below that indicates how many input values fell in the range 1 to 10, 11 to 20, and so on. Print one asterisk for each value entered.




1  - 10  | *****
11 - 20  | **
21 - 30  | *******************
31 - 40  |
41 - 50  | ***
51 - 60  | ********
61 - 70  | **
71 - 80  | *****
81 - 90  | *******
91 - 100 | *********


 import java.util.Scanner;
public class Histogram
 public static void main (String[] args)
  Scanner scan = new Scanner (;

  //There are in total (100-1+2) numbers between 1 and 100
  //including 1 and 100.
  //Let's make an array of 101 integers to keep track of how
  //times each number is typed (maybe never, once, twice, or more)
  int[] nums = new int[101];
  //Time to start reading in numbers 
  System.out.println("Enter numbers between 1 and 100[-1 to quit]: ");
  int num = scan.nextInt();
  //We will be using this variable to help organize/count the number of 
  //times numbers with a certain range (e.g., 1-10, 11-20) appeared
  //Hint: this variable represent the right-side number in 1-10, 11-20, etc.
  //which always has 0 in the one's digit place and let's just make it equal to
  //zero now to make coding easier later; you'll see why
  int base10 = 0;
  //Here we will make sure that each entered is accounted for in our array
  while (num != -1)
   num = scan.nextInt();
  //Now it's time to loop over each range (e.g., 11-20) to check
  //how many elements they have, e.g., how many 11's, 12's, 13's, etc. 
  //Hint: count represents the left-side number in 1-10, 11-20,
  //which always has 1 in the one's digit place so we just need
  //to increment the count by 10 each time till we reach 100
  for (int count = 1; count <=100;count+=10) 

    //Let's first do the easy thing: print out the range limits
    //Notice how we are increasing base10 by 10 during each loop
    //since the range right-limit always increases by 10
    //such as from 10 to 20 to 30
    //If we initialized base10 to 10 outside the loop then 
    //we would've needed an if statement here just for count==1
    //to make sure we don't get 1-20
    System.out.print(count + " - " + (base10+=10) + "  | " );

    //Time to loop over each number between our left-limit
    //right limit, such as between 1 and 10, 11 and 20,etc.
    //by using a new variable that will represent each number
    for (int index = count ; index<=base10 ; index++)
      //We have to check if the numbers between our limits
      //appeared at least once in our array/scan, 
      //make sure that we count each time a number appears,
      //and visually represent each number with a *
      while(nums[index] > 0) {

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