Given a string, we'll say that the front is the first 3 chars of the string. If the string length is less than 3, the front is whatever is there. Return a new string which is 3 copies of the front.
front3("Java") → "JavJavJav"
front3("Chocolate") → "ChoChoCho"
front3("abc") → "abcabcabc"
public String front3(String str) { if (str.length() <= 3) return str + str + str; else { String newString = str.substring(0,3); return newString + newString + newString; } }
public String front3(String str) {
ReplyDeletefinal String front3 = (str.length() <= 3)? str: str.substring(0, 3);
return front3 + front3 + front3;