Test Goldbach conjecture for all even numbers in Java


Christian Goldbach (1690–1764) conjectured in 1742 that every even number greater than 2
is the sum of two primes. Write a program that tests the Goldbach conjecture for all even
numbers less than 100. Use the Primes class from Problem 2.22. Your first 10 lines of output
should look like this:


4 = 2+2
6 = 3+3
8 = 3+5
10 = 3+7 = 5+5
12 = 5+7
14 = 3+11 = 7+7
16 = 3+13 = 5+11
18 = 5+13 = 7+11
20 = 3+17 = 7+13
22 = 3+19 = 5+17 = 11+11


public class TestGoldbach {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("4 = 2+2");
for (int n = 6; n < 100; n += 2) {
for (int p = 3; p <= n/2; p += 2) {
if (Primes.isPrime(p) && Primes.isPrime(n-p)) {
System.out.print(" = "+p+"+"+(n-p));


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